Friday, August 16, 2013


by Randy Ai

My pain is a lonely child
Left alone in the street
Crying for attention
Upon the first drops of rain

I struggle to ignore him
Walk away, and live life
Find happiness in love
And find hope in the puddles

But even as I am brave
His soft eyes beckon me;
My beloved lures me
As he craves my every touch

Suddenly, his hands grab me
Refusing to let go
Scorching my exposed body
And poaching my will to live

His set of pale, hungry teeth
So piercing and merciless
Sinks deeply into me
As though my flesh was his feast

“Child, you are all grown up now!”
I scream out in despair,
“Leave your only father
To die alone in his peace”

He looks at me in pity
But his teeth sink deeper
Not enough to kill me
So that soon he can eat again

Saturday, August 3, 2013


By Randy Ai

Her body is a beautiful playground
A sheet of music in the wind
And a blueprint for a symphony

He who wrote this music
Must have taken pains to scribe every single note
Waiting patiently for the day
That silence would turn to sound

She is inked with the combined memory
Of our collective and ancient history
The tiny neural pathways
Giving rise to the sensation of flesh

My fingers dance across the notes
Indulging in fast staccatos, and slow arpeggios
I play entire stanzas with the fury of a genius
Pushing her harder towards a cadence

I have become both conductor and musician
Master and magician
Vying for complete command
Of the instrument of my desire

Yet despite my power, I merely interpret the music
And cannot write it
I have no input in the process of composition
That began millennia ago

At times, in the middle of the night
She teases me by calling me an aspiring composer
And informs me that I worry too much

And as she lies there breathless
With my ears placed against her chest
Listening to the tempo of her heart beat
She reminds me that there is still beauty
In playing someone else’s music –

So perfectly

Sunday, February 3, 2013


By Randy Ai

(February 3, 2013)

In my dreams I will awake
Awake three times before I die
And awake once more before the rise
Of the bread of Jesus Christ

In my dreams I travel far
From the beaches of my youth
Into worlds not heard by time
Or the sunsets passing by

Flying above the chimney tops
Over mountains, trees, and frozen thoughts
Through glass walls of sharp debris
That shatter and cut into me

Although I fell three times before
A wingless bird will fall once more
Into hell and deeper still
Into caverns borne by ill

But as I die I will awake
My dreams will blur the real from fake
And in the comfort of my bed
I will not know if I am dead

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Ode to a Lost Jacket

By Randy Ai

It is lost! Lost! Lost! Lost!
Taken from me in its youth
Its bright and young future
Extinguished by the hands
Of cruel fate and ill luck

How I will miss you:
My lost jacket, my beautiful orphan
Whom I have loved for so many years
And raised as my own

You impressed and dazzled
Navy blue, and double-breasted
Your body rose like a tall statue
Long and tall and proud
Finally reaching your full length
At the end of your crisp collar

Men praised you
And women adored you
Your hint of sophistication
Was the subject of conversation
Your photogenic demeanour
Was the fabric of identity

So many years we travelled together
Across oceans and continents
From the deserts of Morocco
To the temples of Japan
And in Europe you were always the star.

And how carelessly I left you
Alone one night, in a bout of naive trust
In the hearts of other men.
And when I had returned
You were snatched away from me
In the heart of the cold, dark night

How I fear what has become of you...
Have you been discarded?
Have waste and rubble
Formed the contours of your undignified grave
Where your lifeless corpse now lies?

Are you hanging in neglect
On the coat rack of another?
Lost and forgotten
In a damp and dark place

Or have you been taken as a cheap prize
By an unscrupulous predator
Who has ravished you
And stripped you of your worth?

Who will take care of you now?
Love you and protect you?
Treat you to appointments at the dry-cleaners
And faithfully brush lint and specks of dirt
Off your body?

And although I can indulge
In an orgy of reckless shopping
I will never find another like you.
As that which we love the most
We find the hardest to replace.