Saturday, April 5, 2014

Book of Revelation

By Randy Ai

Every night I see visions of Dow Jones
The fire in my eyes burn like
Little red and white candlesticks
That move up and down
Scorching the sky with morning stars and evening stars
Supporting my hopes like a shooting star
Blazing passed all resistance

Soon the entire sky is set ablaze
Clouds turn blood-red with flames
The angels claw for breath
Their trumpets blaring
Warning the world that the end is near

And when all life on earth
Is vanquished beyond a trace
One lone serpent slithers His way to Bethlehem
His long two-dimensional body
Forming peaks and valleys as he moves

Finally he ascends to heaven
His body raining gold coins down onto the world
If any of the village children were still alive
They could gather and collect the trickles
In their baskets

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